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1. Which tooth pitch should we use?

The blade pitch or tooth pitch of a bandsaw blade to use will depend on the type and thickness of the material being cut. Different tooth pitches are designed for different applications, and using the appropriate pitch will help to ensure optimal cutting performance and prolong blade life.


In general, larger tooth pitches are recommended for thicker materials, while smaller tooth pitches are better for thinner materials. For example, a coarse tooth pitch (such as 3-4 TPI) is ideal for cutting thick and harder materials, while a fine tooth pitch (such as 10-14 TPI) is better for thin and softer materials.


It's important to consider the material being cut and its thickness when selecting the tooth pitch. Additionally, the manufacturer's recommendations for the particular bandsaw blade being used should also be taken into account. It's also important to ensure that the blade's tooth pitch is compatible with the blade speed being used.

2. Why do we need to break-in a band saw blade?

Breaking in a bandsaw blade is an important step in ensuring that the blade performs optimally and has a longer lifespan. When a new blade is installed, it has a sharp, straight edge that is more susceptible to damage or wear. Breaking in the blade involves running it at a reduced speed and applying light pressure to gradually wear away the sharp edge, allowing the blade to develop a smoother and more durable cutting edge.

Breaking in the blade also helps to prevent premature wear or damage to the blade, as well as the bandsaw machine itself. Running the blade at a reduced speed and with light pressure allows it to gradually adjust to the stresses of cutting, which reduces the risk of blade breakage, bending, or snapping. Overall, breaking in a bandsaw blade is an important step in ensuring optimal performance and longevity for both the blade and the machine.

3. What blade speed should we use?

The blade speed to use will depend on the type of material being cut, the thickness of the material, and the tooth pitch of the bandsaw blade. Different materials and blade pitches will require different blade speeds to achieve the best cutting performance and prolong blade life.

As a general rule, slower blade speeds are recommended for cutting harder materials or thicker stock, while faster speeds are recommended for softer materials or thinner stock. It's important to consult the manufacturer's recommendations for the blade speed that's appropriate for the particular bandsaw blade and material being cut.

Additionally, the bandsaw machine itself may have a recommended range of blade speeds that can be adjusted to match the specific requirements of the blade and material being cut. It's important to follow these guidelines to ensure optimal cutting performance and blade longevity.

4. What is the relationship between feed and speed?

Feed, Speed and Tooth Pitch are directly related.
To change the cut result, change only one variable at a time.
Increasing the Work Size will decrease tooth penetration.

A larger Tooth Pitch will increase tooth penetration.

A smaller Tooth Pitch will decrease tooth penetration.

Increasing the Blade Speed will decrease tooth penetration.

Reducing the Blade Speed will increase tooth penetration.

5. Why do we need a cutting fluid?

Lubricating the cutting edge will reduce the heat that is generated by cutting friction – too much heat in the cut is one of the main reasons for blade failure.

A flood of coolant helps wash the chips from the gullets

º Chips become work-hardened in the cutting operation
º If chips are dragged back through the cut a second time, they can damage teeth

A flood of coolant helps cool the blade’s cutting edge and saw guides, extending blade life.
Remember: flood coolant whenever possible and only use coolant where chips are present – do not use coolant on materials that produce a powder, such as gray iron

6. How do I fold/unfold or coil/uncoil my new band saw blade?

Please view the video below, “How to Fold/Unfold a Band Saw Blade”, for the instruction.

7. What is the rake angle of your saw blade teeth?

Most bimetal bandsaw blades vary in rake angle from 0 to 10 degree positive rake angle. A positive rake angle will provide a faster cutting action, and enable you to penetrate harder materials easier. Tooth patterns that are 5-8 and finer typically have a zero degree positive rake angle, while more aggressive teeth are manufactured with the higher positive rake angle.

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